

Genosky Collection

The Genosky Local History collection was created by Fr. 兰德里·基诺斯基,O.F.M. (1914-1994) from his study of the history of the city of Quincy, 伊利诺斯州 highlighting the Civil War and the Steamboat Eras. Genosky的藏品包括1830年至1980年的文件和照片,长度约为75英尺.

Fr. 基诺斯基是正规博彩平台的历史教授(1960-1975),也是著名的内战历史学家. 他通过自己的研究努力和许多当地家庭的捐赠创造了这个系列. The collection consists of 信, 法律文件, 研究报告, newspaper clippings and 剪贴簿. 有 also an extensive photograph collection, in several rare photographic formats, containing portraits and city views as local businesses, 公共建筑, 学校, 房屋, 等. Genosky Collection是部分组织的,可供研究人员使用. 该收藏分为三个主要部分:作为小册子的第二手来源文件, clippings and 研究报告; primary source 文档 as 信, diaries and legal papers; and photographs. 此时此刻, Genosky Collection的完整档案指南是不可用的, 所以研究人员在参观馆藏之前应该联系布伦纳图书馆寻求建议.


National Catholic Band Association

The National Catholic Band Association (at www.catholicbands.org) founded in 1953 promotes the Catholic School Band. The founding and official 文档, 记录, 协会的时间表和照片都保存在布伦纳图书馆的档案中.

这些藏品总计约15英尺(约合15英尺)长,是由奥巴马夫人捐赠给档案馆的. Pam Potter of Quincy Notre Dame High School in Quincy, 伊利诺斯州. 这些藏品于2004年5月加入档案馆,可供预约查阅.


Hyatt Folklore Collection

The Hyatt Folklore Collection, created by Dr. Harry Hyatt (1890-1980), 在美国的民俗学收藏中是独一无二的,因为它主要由与非洲裔美国人民俗学研究相关的数据组成. 里面有笔记, 信, 文档, 剪贴簿, and photographs collected in travels and research conducted by Dr. 凯悦酒店在北非,欧洲和美国在1920-1970年间.

Of special interest are the audio tapes cassettes of Dr. 凯悦接受了采访,讨论了他一生的工作,因此为文件收集提供了宝贵的口述历史和背景.

总收集量约为25线性英尺,尽管研究人员无法完全获得, 收藏的部分可以从布伦纳图书馆事先许可查看.


Rare Book Collection & 摇篮期

Our rare book collection consists of 4,000 书. 在参考书区后面的主楼有500本书供阅览.

《正规博彩平台》收藏在图书馆3号的一间温湿可控的房间里,500卷. Among these are 46 of the oldest and rarest 书 in print. 这46本珍贵的书被称为“摇篮期”,并在美国国会图书馆登记. 《正规博彩平台》中其余的书被认为是“稀有的”,出版于1501-1890年.

“摇篮期” is a Latin word meaning “in the cradle,指的是从活字印刷术发明到世纪之交的印刷术的摇篮时期, 1450年到1500年. The printing press would apply the black text, and some volumes were hand-illuminated with colored ink.

In 1931, 方济各会开始从他们在美国的不同房子里收集旧的和珍贵的书. 收集了三千五百册,都是1850年以前印刷的,收藏在圣. 路易. After the completion of 布伦纳库 in 1967, 这些书被搬到了正规博彩平台校园的新家.


Tibesar Japanese Collection

藏沙日本藏品的创建是由于传教士的工作. 利奥波德·蒂贝萨是玛利诺会在1927-1959年间到中国和日本的传教士. Fr. 蒂贝萨尔(1898-1968)是昆西家族的一员,他的兄弟是昆西家族的成员. Seraphin Tibesar former president of 正规博彩平台.

Fr. 蒂伯萨尔曾在中国(1927-1932)和日本(1933-1940和1946-1959)担任传教士。. During World War II, Fr. 蒂贝萨尔回到美国,和他在西雅图教区的日裔美国人以及日本移民一起进入了米尼多卡的一个拘留营, ID. 战后, 他回到了日本,并担任了几个天主教慈善机构的负责人,参与了该国的重建.

The Tibesar Japanese Collection consists of 信, 文档, 书, photographs and artifacts including coins and art works. The collection measures about 30 linear feet. Any questions may be emailed to library@germancontrol.net.


QU Jubilee of 1912

Jubilee is a published keepsake that celebrates St. Francis Solanus College’s 52nd year since its foundation in 1860. 这份文件记录了从学院简陋的开始到1912年的成就.

The college is named after St. 弗朗西斯·索拉诺(1549-1610),他在南美洲从事了14年的传教工作, especially in Peru.

St. 弗朗西斯·索拉纳斯学院是“在小修士会的指导下为男孩和年轻人提供高等教育的机构”, 方济会士或, of the Sacred Heart Province. 它被主教和牧师正式认可为天主教奥尔顿教区的教区学院, 伊利诺斯州. 有, 然而, nothing local or provinical in its character, and its student-body is recruited from all parts of the country, and even from abroad” (p. 5).


Fr. 奥古斯汀Tolton

Fr. Tolton was born as slave on a plantation in central Missouri. 当他还是个孩子的时候,他就和家人在内战开始的时候逃到了昆西. 他从小就被神父的职业所吸引,但由于他的种族,他没有被美国的任何神学院录取. Instead, he received his training at the Vatican. 他于1886年被任命为圣职,并回到昆西领导一个非裔天主教徒教区.

几年后,他被调到芝加哥,在那里为非裔美国人开办了一个教区. During a heat wave in 1897, Fr. Tolton collapsed on the street and died. By his request, he was returned to Quincy for burial. 最近,芝加哥大主教管区要求梵蒂冈考虑神父. Augustus Tolton for sainthood.

The 布伦纳库 holds a variety of materials relating to Fr. Tolton including newspaper articles, 信件副本, photos and essays written on his life by area historians. Contact Patricia Tomczak at library@germancontrol.net or 217-228-5351 for more information.

Fr. Tolton – Essay “They Call Him Fr. Gus” on the life of the First African-American Catholic priest.


Gyrfalcon QU Yearbook for 1949-2001

The Gyrfalcon yearbook was published from 1949-2001. 这些卷已经数字化,可以下载PDF、全文或到你的Kindle上. They are accessible also through Internet Archive 在这里. Just search 正规博彩平台, Quincy College or Gyrfalcon. gyrfalcon是生活在北极海岸和北美岛屿上的最大的猎鹰物种的名字, 欧洲, 和亚洲. 因为鹰是正规博彩平台的吉祥物,而猎鹰是学生报纸的名字, it was a natural fit to use the name gyrfalcon for the yearbook.

Gyrfalcon 档案


